Introducing: Kerin Sylvester

I am thrilled to bits to be introducing you to not only our newest Challenge Team Designer but to our DT Coordinator, Kerin Sylvester.  Kerin is such a sweetheart and has been such a fabulous supporter of SPD from the very start.  I always look forward to spying her sweet creations in our challenges.

Please join me in welcoming Kerin to the SugarPea Pod.

1 Kerin

I live in Massachusetts with my wonderful husband Jeff and our two boys, Ben and Nick. I have always had a love for paper crafts. I began by creating scrapbooks when my boys were little (they’re 20 and 16 now!), then about 10 years ago I was invited to a friend’s house to stamp and I was hooked! The instant gratification of creating something and being able to share it won me over immediately. I work in a corporate Accounting office during the day and I love to color and create cards at night. I have loved SugarPea Designs’ stamps since Wendy opened, and I am SO excited to join the team! 


If you haven’t visited Kerin’s Blog yet, please do!  You do not want to miss out on all of the eye candy that is waiting for you there.  Kerin’s delightful design style is sure to bring a smile to your face.

I’ll leave you with a little peek at a few of her latest SPD creations.







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3 Comment

  1. Reply
    Claire Broadwater
    January 29, 2016 at 2:30 pm

    WELCOME, Kerin! SO happy to have you join us! I love your work! XX Claire

  2. Reply
    Vicki Laster
    January 31, 2016 at 6:52 pm

    Welcome Kerin! Look forward to seeing your work and inspiration.


  3. Reply
    Lisa Lara
    February 1, 2016 at 1:17 pm

    Welcome Kerin.

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