We have a Winner!

Thank you to everyone who helped us welcome Jenny Peterson to the SugarPea Design team!  We are thrilled that you are excited as we are about the team we have in the works here!

We have another gift certificate to give away!


Because Dana has the SugarPea Designs fan badge on her blog, we’ve increase the amount of her gift certificate from $10 to $15!  Congratulations, Dana!  Please contact us at info@sugarpeablog.com to claim your prize!

So you weren’t as lucky as Dana was this time.  Don’t worry!  We just 2 days away from revealing another member of our design team and of course, there will be a celebratory $10 gift certificate up for grabs so stay tuned!

Don’t forget to add the SugarPea fan badge to your blog!  If you are are chosen as the winner and have the badge posted on the side bar of your blog, we will increase the gift certificate amount to $15!


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