Farewell to Lisa Lara

It’s been a sad couple of weeks here at SugarPea Designs since we learned that our beloved SugarPea Designer Lisa Lara was packing up and moving on out of the Pea Pod.   As many of us know, sometimes this hobby of ours becomes a bit overwhelming and we need to take a step back and breathe and focus on the life happening outside of this world of ours filled with stamps and dies and inks and pretty papers.  Lisa raised the white flag and is taking a breather and while we respect her need to take a step back, we are just so sad to see her go.

Lisa always wowed us with her beautiful CAS designs like this one featuring our Eek-a-Boo stamp set.


and this one featuring our Take Note stamp set


And this one featuring our SugarCuts – Notebook Journal Card

Lisa 3

Lisa, the team won’t be the same without you!  Thanks for all you have done for SugarPea Designs!  Your creativity and talent will be missed!

Farewell and fare well!

With Love,

The SugarPeas

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4 Comment

  1. Reply
    Charity Chamberlain
    October 14, 2015 at 7:17 am

    Awe shux 🙁 I loved seeing all of Lisa’s creations so I’m gonna really miss seeing her amazing talent! Lisa, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Many blessings to you always! Thank you so much for all your inspiration!

  2. Reply
    Celeste Goff
    October 14, 2015 at 7:24 am

    . You will be missed but I think we all understand the need to take a break and enjoy your family and life for a while. Good luck to you!

  3. Reply
    Claire Broadwater
    October 14, 2015 at 8:05 am

    Lisa, I sure will miss seeing all your lovely and creative projects! You have been an inspriration to me! Best wishes to you and all your future endeavors! Lots of Hugs! XX, Claire

  4. Reply
    October 14, 2015 at 9:20 am

    Wow … well said and what a beautiful way to send off a beloved Sugar Pea Designer! You are going to be missed, Lisa. 🙂

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