Love You With All My Heart

Hey SugarPeeps! It’s Kelly here today sharing a fun Valentine’s Day design using a mashup of some of my favorite products! I always love when I can combine different sets to create just the thing I had been envisioning,…

Product Spotlight ~ SugarCut-Home Sweet Home

Hi Sugar Peeps! It’s time for this month’s Product Spotlight! A few times each month we’ll focus on a stamp set or product that we feel is worthy of shining a spotlight on! Maybe because of the current season…

Celebrating You

Hello and welcome! Tatiana is here with you and I’m super excited to be featured on SugarPea Designs blog!!! Today I came up with a clean and simple birthday card featuring some super adorable critters from Strike Up The Band stamp set. To…

Mix It Up Challenge #63 ~ Fresh Inspiration

Hello and welcome to our monthly Mix It Up challenge at SugarPea Designs! You have all month to play along with us, and each week several of our designers will share some fresh inspiration with their take on the…

You’re My One & Only

Hello all! I am totally in the groove of making Love themed projects right now!  I just love the recently released Love Machine and Heart Prints  and decided to make a super sweet Valentine set ready to go in the mail come February…

Mix It Up Challenge ~ December Top 3 Picks and Winner

Hi SugarPeeps! It’s time to reveal this month’s winner! In addition to our random prize winner, we have also selected our choices for the top 3 entries!! It was SO hard to choose, but here goes: #11 – CandiCards…

Meant To Be Sent Challenge

Happy New Year, Friends! It’s a new year, a new decade and a new start. And a real, true fresh start begins in your heart. Which is where the idea for the Meant To Be Sent challenge was born…

Mix It Up Challenge #63

Hello and welcome to our monthly Mix It Up challenge at SugarPea Designs! You have all month to play along with us, and each week several of our designers will share some fresh inspiration with their take on the…

Celebrate ~ You’re Amazing

Hi there and welcome to the last blog post of 2019! Today’s card is for a lovely friend of mine who’s birthday is today, on New Year’s Eve. I wanted the card to be happy and bright and of…

Instagram Fan Feature

Hi crafty friends! Today we’re excited to be sharing another Instagram Fan Feature! Each month we scour Instagram, looking at every fabulous creation using #sugarpeadesigns for something so outstanding we can’t resist sharing it with all of you on…

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