Light Bulb Moments

Happy Howl-o-ween!

Good morning! Ardyth here with this week’s Light Bulb Moment!

This week, I made an adorable Halloween (or should I say Howl-o-ween) card!

I created my background with 4 DIY stencils I made with a square die and sticky notes. I blended distress ink into each of them. Two tips here:

  1. I love precision. I love it when everything is lined up perfectly and evenly. But it’s not always easy to do. Because this card is meant to be fun, I made the squares wonky on purpose to save some work and bonus – it adds interest. So much easier!
  2. If you blend from the outside to the centre, leaving the centre lighter, the boxes will look like they’re glowing!

Then I stamped my Monster Mash images and coloured them very simply using a limited number of Copic markers. I cut them out with the matching dies.

I cut my label and stamped my sentiment and then lined everything up on the card. I realized I still had some space, so I went back and found some pumpkin images (from Indian Summer), and placed them on the card as well.

Here’s a quick video (Click HERE if you cannot see the video)

I used:






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6 Comment

  1. Reply
    Victoria Banaszak
    September 29, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    That is such an adorable card! I love the background you made.

    1. Reply
      October 5, 2017 at 9:51 am

      Thanks so much! I love white space, but a simple background like this really makes the characters stand out!

  2. Reply
    Billie A
    September 29, 2017 at 9:48 pm

    So much sweetness. I love the stamps. Darling card.

    1. Reply
      October 5, 2017 at 9:51 am

      Thanks so much!

  3. Reply
    Marjorie Dumontier
    October 2, 2017 at 8:10 am

    I left a comment on her blog to say how much I love this card.

    1. Reply
      October 5, 2017 at 9:52 am

      Thanks so much, Marjorie! I appreciate you taking the time to let me know what you think! Much more to come!

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